E39 E38 E53 Removing PCB main circuit

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T10 torx screw driver - remove the brass screws

Small flat screw driver - to push in the tabs on the connectors and


Youtube Unclipping tab / tags holding parts together  Video  click here for video 2


First ensure T10 torx screws are removed and the tabs have been pressed in around the connectors, you will use your thumb to apply gentle pressure on the pins -


You will need to release a click slightly around the long white LCD white housing a bit first then ...


>>>>>starting with the right side BLACK plug - use small screw drivers to push in the pins and at the same time use your thumb to apply pressure - see video link below 


tnext do the white and blue connector block sin the same way  , you will need to work each corner of the power plug pushing in these pins - see photo below to see how these tabs stick out and must be pushed in to release.


the small flat screw driver is used on all plugs one by one


after the black plug is partially free and released apply pressure on the pins with your fingers

to keep the PCB elevated from the black casing then use the screw driver on the  blue then white connectors one by one


Below: small flat screw drivers to push in the tabs







Unclipping tab / tags holding parts together  Video  2